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00001 #ifndef INTERFACE_HEADER
00002 #define INTERFACE_HEADER
00004 #include <cstdarg>
00005 #include <errno.h>
00006 #include <fstream.h>
00007 #include <iomanip.h>
00008 #include <iostream.h>
00009 #include <stdarg.h>
00010 #include <stdio.h>
00011 #include <stdlib.h>
00012 #include <string>
00013 #include <vector>
00015 #include "TChain.h"
00016 #include "TFile.h"
00017 #include "TGraph.h"
00018 #include "TH1F.h"
00019 #include "TLeaf.h"
00020 #include "TObjArray.h"
00021 #include "TTree.h"
00022 #include "TTreeFormula.h"
00024 #include "Pattern.h"
00025 #include "PatternManager.h"
00026 #include "SnnsKrui.h"
00027 #include "TVariable.h"
00029 extern Int_t errno;
00031 class Interface : public SnnsKrui, public PatternManager {
00033 protected:
00035   std::vector<TVariable>  fInputVariables;
00036   std::vector<TVariable>  fTargetVariables;
00037   std::string             _pathto_ff_bignet;
00038   std::string             fNetFilePrefix;
00039   std::string             fNetFileSuffix;
00041   std::string             fNetName;
00042   std::string             fTreeName;
00043   std::string             fDirName;
00044   std::string             fSelection;
00045   TObjArray              *fInputTrees;
00046   TFile                  *fOutFile;
00047   TTree                  *fMasterTree;
00048   TTree                  *fPatternTree;
00049   TTree                  *fPerformaceTree;
00050   Bool_t                  fWriteMasterTree;
00051   Bool_t                  fWritePerformanceTree;
00052   Bool_t                  fWritePatternTree;
00053   Bool_t                  fWriteErrorHistograms;
00054   Bool_t                  fBannerPrinted;
00055   Int_t                   fMaxEpochs;
00056   Int_t                   fUpdEpochs;
00057   Double_t                averageValidError;
00058   Double_t                minimumValidError;
00059   Int_t                   minimumValidErrorEpoch;
00060   Double_t                RMSTestError;
00061   Int_t                   hiddenLayerSize;
00062   Int_t                   fRandomSeed;
00064 public:
00066   Interface();
00067   Interface(std::string trName, std::string dirName, std::string fileName);
00068   ~Interface();
00070   //inline const char* GetName() const { return "Interface"; }
00071   inline void         SetInputVariableAt(Int_t index, TVariable var);
00072   inline void         SetTargetVariableAt(Int_t index, TVariable var);
00073   inline TVariable&   GetInputVariable(Int_t index);
00074   inline TVariable&   GetTargetVariable(Int_t index);
00075   inline std::string  getTreeName() const { return fTreeName; }
00076   inline std::string  getNetName() { return fNetName; }
00077   inline TFile       *GetOutFile() { return fOutFile; }
00079   inline Double_t     getAverageValidError() const { return averageValidError; }
00080   inline Double_t     getMinimumValidError() const { return minimumValidError; }
00081   inline Int_t        getMinimumValidErrorEpoch() const { return minimumValidErrorEpoch; }
00083   inline void         SetMaximumEpochs(Int_t i);
00084   inline void         SetUpdateEpochs(Int_t i);
00086   inline void         setTreeName(std::string name) { fTreeName = name; }
00087   inline void         setNetName(std::string name) { fNetName = name; }
00088   inline void         setOutDirectory(std::string name) { fDirName = name; }
00089   inline void         WriteMasterTree(Bool_t flag);
00090   inline void         WritePerformanceTree(Bool_t flag);
00091   inline void         WritePatternTree(Bool_t flag);
00092   inline void         WriteErrorHistograms(Bool_t flag);
00093   inline Bool_t       WriteMasterTree();
00094   inline Bool_t       WritePerformanceTree();
00095   inline Bool_t       WritePatternTree();
00096   inline Bool_t       WriteErrorHistograms();
00097   inline void         setMinimumValidError(Double_t value) { minimumValidError = value; }
00099   Int_t        PrintVariables();
00100   void         AddInputVariable(TString formula, TString name,
00101                   Double_t defValue = 0.0);
00102   void         AddInputVariable(TString formula, Double_t defValue = 0.0);
00103   void         AddTargetVariable(TString formula, TString name,
00104                   Double_t defValue = 0.0);
00105   void         AddTargetVariable(TString formula, Double_t defValue = 0.0);
00106   Int_t        AllocatePatternSet(std::string type = "");
00107   void         SetSelection(std::string selection = "");
00108   void         FillPatternSet(std::string fileName, Int_t startEvent=0,
00109                   Int_t nOfEvents=-1, std::string type="");
00110   void         savePatternSets();
00111   std::string  runtimeInput2string();
00112   std::string  CreateNN(std::vector<Int_t> numHiddenNodes);
00113   void         InitializeNN(std::vector<Float_t> initParams = 0,
00114                   std::string initFunc = "Randomize_Weights",
00115                   Int_t randomSeed = 12345);
00116   void         TrainValidate(std::string trainType, std::string validType,
00117                   std::vector<Double_t> learnParams);
00118   void         TrainValidateApply(std::string trainType, std::string validType,
00119                   std::vector<Double_t> learnParams, std::string genErrType);
00120   void         PropagatePatterns(std::string type = "");
00121   void         ActivateInputs(Pattern pattern);
00122   void         FillPerformanceTree();
00123   void         CalculateError(std::string type);
00124   Int_t        AllocNewPatternSet();
00125   void         LoadNN();
00126   void         LoadNN(char *filename, char **netname);
00127   void         SaveNN(char *filename, char *netname);
00128   void         SetSeedNo(long seed);
00129   void         SetLearnFunc(char *learning_func);
00130   char        *GetLearnFunc();
00131   void         Finalize();
00132   void         PrintProgress(Int_t i, Int_t iMax);
00133   Int_t        Timer(Int_t i);
00134   std::string  TimeStoHMS(UInt_t diffTime);
00136   ClassDef(Interface, 1)
00137 };
00139 inline void Interface::SetInputVariableAt(Int_t index, TVariable var)
00140 {
00141    fInputVariables[index] = var;
00142 }
00144 inline void Interface::SetTargetVariableAt(Int_t index, TVariable var)
00145 {
00146    fTargetVariables[index] = var;
00147 }
00149 inline TVariable& Interface::GetInputVariable(Int_t index)
00150 {
00151    return fInputVariables[index];
00152 }
00154 inline TVariable& Interface::GetTargetVariable(Int_t index)
00155 {
00156    return  fTargetVariables[index];
00157 }
00159 inline void Interface::SetMaximumEpochs(Int_t i) {
00160    (i > 0) ? fMaxEpochs = i : fMaxEpochs = 500;
00161 }
00163 inline void Interface::SetUpdateEpochs(Int_t i) {
00164    (i > 0) ? fUpdEpochs = i : fUpdEpochs = 50;
00165 }
00167 inline void Interface::WriteMasterTree(Bool_t flag)
00168 {
00169    fWriteMasterTree = flag;
00170 }
00172 inline Bool_t Interface::WriteMasterTree()
00173 {
00174    return fWriteMasterTree;
00175 }
00177 inline void Interface::WritePerformanceTree(Bool_t flag)
00178 {
00179    fWritePerformanceTree = flag;
00180 }
00182 inline Bool_t Interface::WritePerformanceTree()
00183 {
00184    return fWritePerformanceTree;
00185 }
00187 inline void Interface::WritePatternTree(Bool_t flag)
00188 {
00189    fWritePatternTree = flag;
00190 }
00192 inline Bool_t Interface::WritePatternTree()
00193 {
00194    return fWritePatternTree;
00195 }
00197 inline void Interface::WriteErrorHistograms(Bool_t flag)
00198 {
00199    fWriteErrorHistograms = flag;
00200 }
00202 inline Bool_t Interface::WriteErrorHistograms()
00203 {
00204    return fWriteErrorHistograms;
00205 }
00207 #endif

Generated on Wed Feb 15 17:06:36 2006 for ROOTSNNS by doxygen 1.3.6